
关于失去信心论文范文 英国年轻女性对大学体系失去信心相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:失去信心论文 更新时间:2024-03-06

英国年轻女性对大学体系失去信心是适合不知如何写失去信心方面的相关专业大学硕士和本科毕业论文以及关于失去信心 翻译论文开题报告范文和相关职称论文写作参考文献资料下载。


Young women in Britain are losing faith in the university system with nearly half of them believing it is not worth getting a degree.

Tuition fees and little chance of getting a good job make higher education an unattractive prospect for them, a study suggests.

It found that nearly half of female graduates would not go to university if they had the chance again.

The research will cause concern because it was carried out before the government announced that fees will almost treble to £9,000 in 2012.

The findings have prompted warnings that a generation of ambitious young women will not be able to get a high flying career and the opportunity to continue their education.

Louise Court, editor of magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think university “a waste of time”.

“It’s never been harder to be a young woman with ambition,” she said. “Understandably, women are angry and frustrated about their future and this is having a damaging effect on their self-esteem.”

The survey of 1,353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2011.

Two thirds of those questioned said they thought it would be “almost impossible” to get their dream jobs and a quarter were unable to follow their preferred career. Only 14 percent said they felt safe.

And the financial situation for graduates was especially bad, with half saying they had so much student debt they could not save. The same proportion believed they faced worse financial hardship than their parents.

One in seven women said they had been forced to postpone getting married because a wedding would be too expensive. And more than one in six admitted that financial constraints had made them postpone trying to start a family.

Vicky Tuck, a campaigner for women’s education and former head of Cheltenham Ladies College, said, “The rise in fees is going to make a lot of people reflect on why they are going to university... I believe that women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning, or a precious opportunity. If they go purely to get a job, many will be disappointed.”

1. The passage is intended to _________.

A. ask the government to lower tuition fees

B. persuade young women to think twice before making a decision to go to university

C. introduce to the readers the findings of a survey



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2、 翻转课堂模式下大学英语内涵式教学体系构建 【摘 要】本文以广西师范大学A班大学英语教学为例,探索翻转课程模式下大学英语内涵式教学体系的构建,即构建了一个语言、文化、情感相融合的知识、技能。

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