
关于Unit3Howdoyougettoschool论文范文 Unit3Howdoyougettoschool教学设计(二)相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:Unit3Howdoyougettoschool论文 更新时间:2024-01-25



Step 1 Lead in

1.Greetings and have a free talk.

2.Listen and guess what it is. Revise the old words and teach the new words.

3.The teacher says a sentence and asks the students to guess what kind of transportation it is.

a —It is like a bike but goes much faster.

—A motorbike.

b —It is like a train but goes under the ground.

—A subway.

c —It goes in the water.

—A ship or a boat.

d—It takes you about three hours to go to Beijing from Shenzhen by it.

—A plane.

e —It can take people to the moon.

—A spaceship.

f —It is very useful, you may ride it to school.

—A bike/ bicycle.

【设计意图】通过Guessing Game调动学生学习英语的积极性,营造氛围,提升学生学习英语的乐趣.

Step 2 Presentation

There are so many transportations around the world. What kind of transportation do you like to choose?

How do you get to school/Shanghai/ Hangzhou/ London/


Help the students answer:

I take the subway/take the bus /take a minibus /take a taxi/take the train / take the plane/take the ship/take the car...


Step 3 Pair work

Ask the students to work in pairs.

A: How do you get to school?

B: I walk to school.

I ride a bike to school.

I take a bus /car to school.

I take the subway/train to school.


Step 4 Games

Ask the students to play games like this:

S1: I walk to school.

S2: He/ She walks to school. I ride a bike to school.

S3: He/ She rides a bike to school. I take a bus to school...


Step 5 Listening

1. To do Section A 1a. Look at the picture and write down the way of transportation.

2. To listen to the tapes and finish 1b.


Step 6 Group work

Ask the students to do group work.

A: How do you get to school?

B: I take the bus/ ride my bike/ bicycle/walk.

C: How does he /she get to school?

He/She takes the bus/...rides his/her bike/bicycle/walks.


Step 7 Summary and Homework

Sum up the key vocabulary and the target language.

1. Copy the new words.

2. Make a survey: How do your relations go to school/work?





1、 荆轲刺秦王教学设计(第一课时) 【摘要】《荆轲刺秦王》是人教版高一语文必修一第五课的一篇古文,在这篇课文中,着重为我们刻画出荆轲这一不畏强暴、英勇果敢的侠士英雄形象。在备教过程。

2、 夸美纽斯和他大教学论(上) Ⅰ大约公元476年到公元1453年,亦即从西罗马帝国灭亡到文艺复兴,这近千年的历史时期在西方被称为“中世纪”,在这期间,基督教成了唯一合法的宗。

3、 猫教学案例(节选) 师:猫是大家都很熟悉的一种小动物,让我们先来欣赏一些猫的图片,说说图片上的猫给你什么样的印象?生:活泼、可爱。生:自由自在,无拘无束。生:。

4、 Unit3Howdoyougettoschool教学设计(一) 本课选自人教版新目标英语七年级(下)第三单元。一、教学过程Step 1 Lead inPlay a video and ask the s。

5、 多边形内角和教学设计(探究式教学法) 一、教学目标知识与技能:掌握多边形内角和公式;过程与方法:在观察、操作、推理、归纳等探索过程中,发展学生的合情推理能力,逐步养成数学推理的习。

6、 小学语文古诗教学有效性(二) 摘要:《小学语文课程标准》指出:“诵读儿歌,童谣和浅近的古诗,展开想象,获得初步的情感体验,感受语言的优美”“诵读优秀诗文,注意在诵读过程中体验。