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关于本真论文范文 回归武术之本真再论我国学校武术课程设计相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:本真论文 更新时间:2024-03-04


摘 要:课程设计的根本目的在于育人.理性审视、辩证地看待武术课程设计问题,是武术教育工作者不可推卸的责任.从哲学、心理学、教育学视角对课程设计的理论基础进行审视,从科学角度对武术课程设计进行反思和重建.研究认为:中国武术拳种流派众多、各具特色,规则、规范要求不能统一,不宜在中小学统一推广;《武术段位制系列教程》内容繁杂,不是武术的本真体现,不宜推广;打练并进能够使学生达到武德修养好、文武素质高、格斗能力强、套路练得棒,是武术本真;打练并进教授内容选取、组织安排要循序渐进,保持整体一贯性;利用运动季节,结合先进科技,进行武术课程的信息化处理,采用生成性教学模式、运动教育模式,使武术教育贯穿体育活动始终,是武术课程设计实施的有力保障和具体实施路径.

关键词: 武术;课程设计;打练并进;生成性教学;运动教育;运动季节

中图分类号: G 807 文章编号:1009783X(2015)02013706 文献标志码: A

Abstract:The fundamental purpose of curriculum design is educational.It is martial arts educators’ indispensable responsibility to deal with the issue of martial arts curriculum design in a rational and dialectical manner.In this paper, the theoretical basis for curriculum design is reviewed from philosophical, psychological and pedagogical angles.Martial arts curriculum design for primary and secondary schools is reflected and reconstructed from a complex scientific perspective.The results show that Chinese martial arts, which contain various unique categories, cannot be unified with the same rule or standard.As a result, it’s inappropriate to be publicized on a general standard in primary and secondary schools.The content of martial arts Dan System Series Tutorial is so miscellaneous that it is not suitable for publication due that it does not reflect the original nature of martial arts.At the same time, the mutual promotion of combating and training can improve the student’s decorum and ethics, enhance their civil and martial qualities, and raise their combating and routine performing abilities, which actually embody the authentic nature of martial arts.The selection and organization of the teaching content of the mutual promotion of combating and practicing should be gradual and consistent.It is also advisable to make use of sports season, advanced technology, the informationization of martial arts curriculum, generative teaching mode and sport education mode, so as to make martial arts education occur throughout sports activities which is the strong guarantee and specific approach for the implementation of martial arts curriculum.

Keywords:martial arts;curriculum design;mutual promotion of combating and training;generative teaching;sports education;sports season






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