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关于运动疗法论文范文 国际运动疗法改善老年人平衡能力热点和动态分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:运动疗法论文 更新时间:2024-03-18


摘 要:为揭示国际运动疗法改善老年人平衡能力研究的动态和前沿,以Web of ScienceTM核心合集收录国际运动疗法改善老年人平衡能力相关文献为研究对象,借助Cite Space V知识图谱软件对2012—2016年的1 472篇文献进行科学计量和可视化分析.结果表明:研究主要力量集中于美国、澳大利亚等国家;University Sydney、University of New South Wales等为核心机构,高产作者也多来自于上述核心机构;期刊主要为《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》《Exercise and sport sciences reviews》等老年学、运动科学为主的期刊;形成了以体育科学为主导,医学各科交叉的趋势;研究围绕促进老年人身体活动功能表现展开,热点集中在肌肉力量、日常活动能力、生命质量、体成分等;研究方法多采用随机对照试验、系统分析、meta分析;研究对象涉及健康人群、绝经后妇女、肌衰减症患者、老年痴呆患者等;推荐多种运动方式结合的运动疗法,重视运动安全,表现出“运动是良医”和体医融合的趋势.

关键词:老年人;平衡能力;跌倒;运动;研究热点;Cite Space V

中图分类号:G 804.5 学科代码:040302 文献标识码:A

Abstract: In order to reveal the dynamics and frontiers of the international sports therapy research for improving balance on the elderly, taking the literatures of the Web of Science core collection of international sports therapy of improving the elderly balance ability as the research object, with the help of knowledge mapping software-Cite Space V, 1472 papers in recent 5 years from 2012 to 2016 were measured scientifically and analyzed visually, in order to understand the research hotspot and trends of international sports therapy of improving balance ability on the elderly. The results show that the research focuses mainly on the United States, Australia, Europe and other countries, and University of Sydney, University of New South Wales are the core institutions where the high-producing authors also come from and whose journal are mainly for the sports science and gerontology, such as Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Exercise and sport sciences reviews, which form the trends of taking sports science as the leading category and crossing the branches of Medicine. The study develops on promoting physical functioning of the old people, and focuses on muscle strength, activity of daily living, quality of life and body components, etc. Methods were used in the study, such as randomized controlled trials, systematic analysis and meta-analysis. The subjects of the study included healthy people, postmenopausal women, Sarcopenia, Alzheimer disease and so on. Also, it recommends a combination of multiple exercises, emphasizes sports safety, reflects the trend of "exercise is medicine" and integration of exercise and medicine.

Keywords: elderly; balance; fall; exercises; hotspot; Cite Space V




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