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分类:论文模板 原创主题:linkingin论文 更新时间:2024-01-29


Here’s a glimpse of my morning routine: After getting up, going through the regular hygiene rituals and grabbing a bite of whatever’s around, I boot up my computer and check Facebook. The browser window usually stays open in the background as I go through my daily grind, get lunch, and inevitably slack off later in the day. This isn’t so unusual for other Millennials who can’t resist the allure of being plugged in, though my compulsion runs further than just scrolling through other people’s photos.

The Internet takes on a particular importance when you live far away from home. Using social media is akin to opening up an almanac, a social directory and a postal service all at the same time. My mom views my photos of me and my friends here, just as I keep tabs on who’s dating whom 12 time zones eastwards. It’s as if I’m in a room where everyone, from old friends to former hostel roommates, is in a never-ending party together, and I’m bringing the punch.

But surely this is old news: Isn’t the whole point of social media to foster connectivity? But surviving while immersed in different languages, social norms and (especially in China) government regulations is alienating by nature, a gap that social media is among the best ways to bridge. I am incessantly reminded that I am a foreigner, a laowai, someone who might as well have come from Pluto. No matter how well I master the language or how much I immerse myself in the culture, I’ll always be the odd one out – but not on the Internet.

Of course, this assumes that the people on the other end of my newsfeed actually care. I’m not the type of person who posts all their vacation photos to boast how cultured and worldly they are. Whether or not the “over there” crowd care how spicy the bowl of noodles I had for lunch is a specious premise. You know the old adage: Facebook friends aren’t real friends. The poten- tial for addiction in thinking they are is there, though I doubt you’ll ever see me beat someone over the head down a dark alley to get some spare change for my Internet bill. At the expense of productivity, I think I’ll risk it.

So why continue to waste my time thinking about back home when I could be going out and experiencing a different country? Mind- lessly browsing through terrible memes does allow me to stay in touch with my roots, in a sense. This way I keep my pulse on what’s hip in my native land as if I was on the ground, but indirectly, talking about movies, viral videos and weird links. These are people I know posting their two cents about what’s going on, traits not usually found on TV or in the paper. Seeing their thoughts is one constantly refreshing link to the past that’s comforting when plunged into a strange and unusual place.




