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分类:论文范文 原创主题:英语文摘论文 更新时间:2024-02-19


Hierarchical Model for Instructional Interaction in distance learning:

a philosophical perspective

Zhijun Wang, Li Chen, Min Chen, Shimei Han

The Hierarchical Model for Instructional Interaction (HMII) in distance learning has attracted wide attention from researchers because it sheds insights into the instructional interaction process of distance learning. This article begins with a review of the core concepts and ideas of Habermas" Theory of Communicative Action (TCA), including communicative action and three principles of discourse communication behavior, communicative rationality and ideal communication context, and inter-subjectivity. Combined with the characteristics of communication of subject in the life world, which is a system constituted by objective, social and subjective inner worlds, this study sets out to systematically analyze the relationship between communicative action and the rationale of HMII as well as its three levels of instructional interaction. Implications of HMII for instructional interaction are discussed in terms of communicative rationality and inter-subjectivity. It is found that TCA is theoretically underpinned by Habermas’ communicative action and communicative rationality concepts, which are in line with the rationale of HMII and can serve as its philosophical foundation. Ideal communication context and inter-subjectivity are found to be able to deepen our understanding of instructional interaction in distance learning. This study supplements and improves HMII from a philosophical perspective and may help perfect the theory of instructional interaction in distance learning.

Keywords: Habermas; Theory of Communicative Action; distance learning; Hierarchical Model for Instructional Interaction; philosophical foundation

Predictions of and interventions in university students’ academic

achievement on cloud-based learning platforms

Jiaxin You and Zhong Sun

Predicting students’ academic achievement and providing timely intervention guidance has proved to be an effective strategy for enhancing learning outcomes. In the cloud-based environment, process data generated by learning performance can be an important source of prediction. This study reports on a university course blending the physical classroom and cloud-based platforms such as Moodle and WeChat. A multiple regression model is built using various student attributes and learning process data, in order to predict academic achievement and offer timely intervention guidance. Key prediction factors include GPA, online learning engagement, preceding course achievement, and learning interest. Intervention is found to be conducive to better learning outcomes, in particular for students in difficulty.



1、 建构主义教学观指导下提升高职英语课堂活力策略 【摘要】高职英语课堂一直以来受到传统教学模式的束缚,课堂气氛沉闷,缺乏活力。建构主义教学观下高职英语课堂教学应该体现多元化和多样化的特点。教师必。

2、 基于网络学习空间公共英语课程教学改革 信息化已成为国家战略,教育信息化正迎来重大历史发展机遇。教育部《关于进一步推进职业教育信息化发展的指导意见》(教职成〔2017〕4号)文明确指出。

3、 在高职英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力 当今跟随经济全球化而来的是文化全球化,在多种文化的共同作用下,就决定了世界上任何一个国家都是不是独立存在的,他们的文化相互影响,相互渗透。所以在。

4、 基于互联网大学英语混合式教学模式 一、“互联网 + ”大学英语混合式教学模式混合式教学模式是一种强化教学理念,把现代网络技术与传统的教学模式结合起来,借助互联网技术,提高学生学。

5、 会计英语和公共英语教学融合 会计英语和公共英语教学是相辅相成、不可缺少的。建立科学合理的大学英语教学体系对提高学生的英语和专业能力非常重要。摘要:本文以会计英语为例,在阐明。

6、 商务英语在农产品贸易企业中运用 近年来,伴随着我国政策的开放以及“一带一路”战略的提出,我国在应对中亚各国商品贸易往来需求以及农产品对外贸易市场份额的增长需求提出了诸多的农产品。