
关于CentersandRelationshipsofNation论文范文 Boundaries,CentersandRelationshipsofNation—States相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:CentersandRelationshipsofNation论文 更新时间:2024-02-14


Abstract:Anthropological research has long been concerned with problems of identity.Among the many identity problems,national identity,along with the rise of nationalism,is one of the most complex issues with far-reaching impacts on the world’s cultures and politics.In contemporary times,nationalism has unfortunately brought about succeeding conflicts and violence worldwide.Anthropological studies have long been devoted to properly understanding the overwhelming power and undesiring limits of nationalism,and solving the dilemma and predicaments caused by this concept.A classic study of nationalism,Imagined Communities by Benedict Anderson,innovatively explores the historical conditions and different processes of the rise of nationalism across societies.Anderson,born in Kunming,China,in 1936,was a world-famous political scientist and Southeast Asian specialist with a research focus on nationalism and international relations.By thought-provokingly examining the cultural and emotional elements contained in the concept of nationalism,Anderson proposed that the nation,as an imagined community,rises from a particular historical context and retains strong political power.A master of interdisciplinary and cross-culture studies,Anderson in this book rightfully explores the cultural history of nationalism,comprehensively studies its cultural meanings and political influences,and correctly critiques the fever brought about by the spread of this ideology.Imagined Communities completely refreshed our approach to nationalism.At the same time,Anderson had been especially sympathetic to the identity crisis and conflicts brought about by nationalism.He was deeply involved in the anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism movements.Anderson wrote this book in response to the conflicts among nation-states in the Indo-China Peninsula during the late 1970s.Sadly,nationalism is still causing major conflicts and wars at the time when he passed away in 2015.Anderson’s sudden death is a big loss to the scholarly community.In this book,Anderson had already illuminated the many problems and limits of nationalism.One of the best ways to show humble condolences,in my viewpoint,is to continue exploring solutions to the many challenges caused by the nationalist ideology.I argue that a comparative analysis of pre-nation-state societies and ethnographies of China’s southwestern multi-ethnic region can provide meaningful food for thought.

1.Boundaries and Exclusiveness: Imagining the Nation-State



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