
关于Integratedskills论文范文 Unit5Artworld—Integratedskills教学设计相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:Integratedskills论文 更新时间:2024-04-09



1.学生会读并能听懂五种音乐:Folk, Country music, Jazz, Rock, Classical music.




单词和短语:Folk, Country music, Jazz, Rock, Classical music, concert, country, cowboy, guitar, lasting, value, African, American, tonight, country music, African American, local colour, make up, in the traditional style





Step 1 Background introduction

1. Folk

T:Listen to the song. (老师播放宋祖英的民歌“茉莉花”) What’s the name of it? Who sings it?

SS:Song Zuying sings the song.

T:Yes, she is a famous folk singer. She’s from Hunan. Look at the picture.

She is wearing in the traditional style. We can feel strong local colour from her song.

Ss:watch carefully

2. Country music

T:Let’s enjoy a concert.(师播放约翰丹佛Take Me Home, Country Roads)Do you know the name of the song and the singer?

T:Take me home, country roads by John Denver. (老师告知学生)

T:Do you know anything about John Denver?

He was a famous country singer in America. His country music is very popular.

It is about country life and cowboys in America.

T:What instrument did John Denver play while he was singing?


3. Jazz

T:Play a piece of Jazz with the narration aboutShow his picture. Narration:This is Louis Armstrong. He’s an African American. His music has a lasting value in Jazz. He was good at making up the music while playing.

Ss:complete the sentences.

4. Rock

Ss:Watch a video, with sentences:

5. Classical music

T:Now let’s enjoy another piece of music. Where can you often hear it? You all know it! It’s so classical. It has been used for the wedding for many years. So it has a lasting value. This is its composer, Wagner, who had a lasting influence on music. And his music has a great value in the history of classical music.

T:We’ve learned a lot about five kinds of music now. What are they? What are their characteristics? Please match the music with its characteristics.

Step 2 Listening

Part A1

1. T:Where can you go to enjoy different kinds of music?

Ss:Go to a concert.

T:Great! Now, let’s go to a concert. Here’s a poster of different concerts. Read through it and then listen to the tape, then complete the poster.

Listen to A1 twice and then check the answers.

Step 3 Talking

Part A2

1. T:Listen to the conversation and complete the matching.


T:Ask and answer

(1) Who thinks rock is exciting?

(2) What’s Sandy’s feeling about rock?

(3) What music does Sandy like? Why?

Deskmate work:

(1) Share your favourite music with your partners.

(2) What type of music do you like best?

(3) Why do you like the music?

Step 5 Homework

1. Surf the internet to enjoy the five kinds of music

2. write a five sentences about music which you like.



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